Stronger Together
Supporting health and social care staff in Northamptonshire
We are very sorry to have to tell you that we are no longer able to take referrals. We know this will come as sudden and unexpected for many.
If you are already being seen within the service this does not affect you as we will complete all existing work.
Since launching in February 2021 we have been privileged and proud to provide system-wide wellbeing support service for staff across health and care organisations in Northamptonshire. We had strong hopes and intentions to continue this provision.
National funding for the system-wide staff health and wellbeing hubs stopped at the end of March. We hoped to find a new way of funding the service but this has not been possible currently.
Therefore we are not currently taking referrals while we continue to complete existing work and consider new ways of working.
Please check our information and resources page outlining all the support on offer for you within your organisation.