Primary Care Contracting

Computer with checklist

Primary Care Contracting

The information contained in this section relates to Primary Care Contracting. This includes: contracts, specifications and claim forms for the Enhanced Services and Phlebotomy Contracts. If you cannot find what you need within these pages, please contact a member of the Primary Care Team for further help


Primary Care Team

01604 651100

All relevant information about Northamptonshire's ICB Primary Care Contracting can be found on these pages. This includes contracts, specifications and claim forms. If you cannot find what you need within these pages, please contact a member of the Primary Care Team for further help.

Enhanced Services Specification

During 2021 a local review took place of all the Locally Commissioned Services Commissioned via Nene and Corby CCG. From this review several services were decommissioned. The funding for these decommissioned services was reinvested into the Primary Care Enhanced Services Contrantct. The Enhanced Services Specification Contract was approved and started on the 1st of April 2022. A copy of this contract is included within the documents below.

If you have any queries about this contract, please contact a member of the Primary Care Team.

NHS Standard Contract 22-23 - Enhanced Services [pdf] 1MB



During 2021 a local review took place of all the Locally Commissioned Services Commissioned via Nene and Corby CCG. The Phlebotomy service was not included in this review due to its links to other services commissioned by other providers. During 2022/23 a review of all phlebotomy services took place. A copy of this contract and specification can be found on this page. The service specification and details of claiming can be found in the downloads on this page.

If you have any queries about this contract, please contact a member of the Primary Care Team.

NHS Standard Contract 22-23 - Phlebotomy [docx] 115KB

NHS England Information

Core GP Contracts are the responsibility of NHS England and NHS Improvement. These contracts and policy documents are shared with ICBs, but ICBs do not have control of the version they receive. Therefore, they cannot make any changes to the national documents. A website is available for General Practice which includes all contract and policy documentation. Additionally, the website has other information for example, information on the General Practice Forward View and Primary Care Networks. The link for this website can be found here

GP Extended Access Service

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GP Enhanced Access Service

General Practice Enhanced Access is PCN DES service that aims to improve patient access to primary care services. This can include extended opening hours, same day appointments, telephone or video consultation and other models of care delivery.

Their goals are:

  • To give patients more convenient and timely access to healthcare services.
  • Cut unnecessary emergency department visits
  • Improve overall health outcomes.

Extended Hours

From 1 October 2022, PCNs will need to provide Enhanced Access hours:

Monday to Friday between 6.30pm and 8pm.

Saturdays between 9am and 5pm.

These are referred to in the Network Contract DES Specification as “Network Standard Hours”

 Models in place in Northamptonshire

7 PCNs in Northampton to a single hub

5 PCNs that are using multiple sites across their own PCN

4 PCNs sharing a common hub with some sub sites across the 4 PCNs.

Some subcontracting of entire service with some sub-contracting parts. Some subcontracting parts to remote providers.


Downloads – Reporting template

Links - NHS England Report Template 7

Information Governance


Information Governance

Please find below links to Information Governance guidance that practices may find useful:

  • The Information Commissioner’s Office gives guidance in relation to all elements of UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR) inclusive of specific sections for organisations and the public

 Guide to the UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR) | ICO

  • Legislation UK provides the full text of the Data Protection Act 2018 

 Data Protection Act 2018 (

  • All organisations that have access to NHS patient data and systems must use the Data Security and Protection toolkit to provide assurance that they are practising good data security and that personal information is handled correctly. This is a condition (GC21) of the Standard NHS Contract. 

Data Security and Protection Toolkit (



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All Northamptonshire DNACPR Policy

The All Northamptonshire DNACPR Policy was fully ratified in May 2019 by: NGH, KGH, NHFT, NHS Nene & Corby CCGs, Last Years of Life Board and the LMC.

After discussions with NGH, KGH and NHFT it was agreed senior nurses (that have been trained and are competent) can have delegated authority. This allows senior nurses to make decisions, endorse and document the decision regarding DNACPR. The All Northamptonshire DNACPR Policy has been amended to reflect this decision. The amendment is clearly stated in appendix 4 of the policy.

Northants DNACPR Policy 2020 v 1.3[pdf] 672KB

All Northamptonshire DNACPR Form

Audits on the completion of the DNACPR form, showed poor compliance with the documentation of the decision-making process of a person who is

deemed to lack capacity to participate in the discussion of DNACPR.

The All Northamptonshire DNACPR form has been amended to include ‘a legal requirement’ within the Capacity section of the form. This is to highlight that this section of the form is a legal requirement and must be fully filled in.

Northants Do Not Attempt Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation DNACPR Form 2020 FINAL[pdf] 291KB

Same Day Emergency Care

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Same Day Emergency Care Page 

Services available through Consultant Connect

All specialties are available from 9am-5pm unless otherwise stated.

 NGH Specialty

  • SDEC Navigation Line
  • Ambulatory Care (Mon - Fri; 8am - 6pm)
  • Cardiology
  • Elderly Care (Mon - Fri; 1pm - 5pm)
  • Gastroenterology
  • General Surgery
  • Gynaecology
  • Obstetrics
  • Paediatrics
  • Respiratory Medicine
  • Photo A&G for Teledermatology (Using the Consultant Connect App Only)

Access to NGH Hot Clinics

General Surgery: GPs to ring NGH switchboard (01604 634700) for the On-Call Registrar to be seen via Ambulatory Care

Vascular Surgery: GPs to ring NGH switchboard (01604 634700) for the On-Call Vascular Consultant


  • GPs to Contact Paediatric Assessment Unit (PAU) via Consultant Connect
  • GPs can  access Hot clinic/Jaundice clinic via
  • A&E Advice Line (Mon - Fri; 8am - 6pm, Sat - Sun; 8am - 5pm)
  • Chest Pain Assessment (24/7)
  • Gastroenterology
  • Gynaecology
  • Medical SDEC - Ambulatory Care (Mon - Sun; 8am - 10pm)
  • Paediatrics
  • Respiratory Medicine
  • Surgical SDEC - General Surgery (Mon - Sun; 8am - 9pm)
  • Photo A&G for Teledermatology (Using the Consultant Connect App Only)


Capacity and Access Payment 2023/24

Person thinking

Capacity and Access Payment 2023/24


The Primary Care Network Directed Enhanced Service was published on 30 March 2023. The key points for consideration are provided here. 

The guidance requires co-development of PCN plans to improve capacity and access throughout the 2023/24 calendar year. IIF funding has been redistributed to include a 70% unconditional payment to PCNs paid monthly from April 2023, and up to a maximum of 30% payment allocated based upon improvement against plans generated.

Process, Action Required and Timeline for Planning and Payment Allocation

Table outlining the process, action required and timeline for planning and payment allocation.

Requirement/Action Due Date

Action required  by who

Capacity and Access Support Payment Commences (12 payments) 01/04/2023 ICB Finance Team
ICB to share data with PCNs  14/04/2023 ICB primary Care Team

Draft PCNs plans to be submitted to the ICB

29/05/2023 PCNs

ICBs to review plans submitted by PCNs and provide feedback

  • ICB panel (including clinical and LMC representatives) review of submissions to ensure metrics align with system requirements
  • Benchmarking with other ICSs in our region
  • Final plans in place
  • Formal update to Primary Care Operational Delivery Group
29/05/2023 - 30/06/2023  ICB Primary Care Team

Quarterly progress updates

01/09/2023 PNCs

Quarterly progress updates

01/12/2023 PCNs

PCN achievement reports

  • Reports should be on the agreed PowerPoint plan, detailing under each measure how this has been achieved
31/03/2024 PCNs

Feedback window on achievement reports

  • ICB Primary Care Team to reach out to PCNs where required to support achievement reports
31/03/2024 - 19/04/2024 ICB Primary Care Team

Formal panel reviews of achievement reports

  • Further details to be provided in due course
19/04/2024 - 10/05/2024  ICB Primary Care Team 
Appeals window 10/05/2024 - 31/05/2024  PCNs
Outcome of Appeals


ICB Primary Care Team 
Formal sign-off and submission to NHSE 01/08/2024 ICB Primary Care Team
Payment to PCNs deadline date  31/08/2024 ICB Finance Team


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can you confirm that the National Capacity and Access Support Payment (70%) is unconditional and doesn’t require any returns?

Payment will be made to PCNs as 12 equal payments over the 2023/24 financial year, and at this time there are no known returns required.

Can we use the Support Level Framework to support our plans?

Yes, progress against any Support Level Framework plans can be considered in the determination of funding. This may also include practice participation in the Accelerate Programme.

Will improvement be measured at PCN or practice level?

The simple answer is that it will be measured at PCN level. However, if you have identified in your plan that there are outliers in certain areas, we would be looking to see greater impact to those practices. Reducing variation across a PCN for the metrics in the template could form part of a PCNs plan, demonstrating improvement at a practice level.

What are the criteria for the payment of the Local Capacity and Access Improvement Payment (30%)?

This is still to be determined but will consider the challenges faced by each PCN due to the differing start points. Part of the development of the Local Capacity and Improvement Plan will involve how improvements will be measured, what level of improvement can be achieved and what data will be required to evidence this. The three sections of the Capacity and Access Plan are equally weighted (10% of funding per section).

Is there a process to appeal the funding decision in March 2024?

Yes, the appeals window will be open until 31/05/2024 and the process for appeals will be available later in the year.

How will the plans be monitored throughout the year?

The Primary Care Team expect two mid-year updates (September and December) to the original plan template, detailing progress towards the agreed improvement aspirations. There will be an opportunity to discuss both of these plans with members of the Primary Care Team.

What support is available for the development and implementation our plans?

What data is available to support our plans?

The ICB will update the GP Portal with a list of data sources you may wish to consider in your planning.

What happens if a PCN doesn’t submit a plan?

If PCNs are struggling to pull together a plan, the Primary care Team are happy to support on an individual basis. If a PCN doesn’t submit a plan, the 30% funding will not be allocated to that PCN. Further updates will be provided should the ICB receive any additional technical guidance from NHSE.

Our Online Consultations are not showing in the GPAD data. Can we use local data sources to support this?

Yes. This appears to be the case nationally and is likely to relate to the way in which these are coded for GPAD. The ICB is in touch with GPAD support to establish how best to resolve this in practice. We would encourage development of coding in this area to ensure GPAD accurately records activity within general practice. If PCNs would like to use another data source to support this part of the plans, this is supported.

How do we set achievable targets?

Some measures used in plans will be qualitative and other quantitative. We are looking for PCNs to outline measures and aims for improvement in initial draft plans which are achievable. These can be discussed with the ICB primary care team during development.

Is the 12 May date set? Other ICBs have communicated that this date has been pushed back

Additional Capacity and Access Guidance published on Friday 28 April detailed a change of deadline from 12 May 2023, to 30 June 2023 for finalised Capacity and Access Plans to be in place. In light of this, the local deadline for draft plans to be submitted to has been amended to 29 May 2023. The period between 29 May and 30 June 2023 will be used for ICB panel reviews of plans and work with PCNs to finalise details. This is reflected in the timeline which can be found in the 'Process' section above.

What if our actions don’t make an impact on the data?

Some measures used in plans will be qualitative and other quantitative. The panel will be looking for improvement across the board, and this could be a change in reported data, or it could be a newly implemented process for example.

Who is on the panel?

The panel will consist of representatives from the following teams: Primary Care, Quality, Finance, Healthwatch, GPIT, ICB Clinical Leads as well as clinical representation from the LMC.

Can we include improvement in referral to GP-Community Pharmacist Consultation Service (CPCS) as one of the areas for Local Capacity and Access Improvement Planning?

Yes of course. The GP contract in 2023/24 has been updated to reflect the different ways that patients now contact their practice, making it clear that patients should be offered an assessment of need, or signposted to an appropriate service, for example a community pharmacy, at first contact with the practice. GP CPCS is one of several improvement measures available to improve access and is easy to implement. For further information and support on GP CPCS contact the ICB Community Pharmacist Clinical Lead

Primary Care Access Plans and Community Pharmacy Support [pdf] 593KB

Helpful Resources 

  • Primary Care Improvement Connect Requires a login to the Future NHS site for access
  • General practice access routes Part of the General Practice Inclusive Access Routes campaign and based on feedback from the successful Humber and North Yorkshire pilot, which tested materials with practice staff and patients. From 25 April, all GP practices in England will receive a printed package of materials to help them to explain the various access routes available to patients wishing to request care
  • Community Conversations This new, NHS England funded programme gives primary care colleagues the knowledge and practical resources to connect with and work alongside local people and communities
  • Inclusive Access Toolkit This helps practice staff gives patients confidence to use online forms on the practice website for requesting care, in addition to the more traditional routes of by telephone and in person
  • Care navigation and triage in general practice This guidance is designed to support GP practices in implementing triage systems that can be adapted to their individual practice's circumstances

Cloud-Based Telephony

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Cloud-Based Telephony

NHS Northamptonshire ICB cloud-based telephony provider mini-conference

Campaign Resources

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Campaign Recources 

We have set up this section to share assets from local and national campaigns that have significance for registered patients as well as resources that support the PCARP programme.

This section is in development and will be continually added to as more resources become available so please do check back frequently

Signposting to alternative services

This section contains assets to support messages with patients to sign-post them to alternative services.

Supporting patients

This section contains assets to campaigns that support registered patients.

Seasonal advice

This section contains assets and resources that offer seasonal advice.

Reducing bureaucracy

This section contains assets and resources that support practice teams to have more time to focus on their patients’ clinical needs.


This section contains assets and resources that support practices to build capacity so they can offer more appointments from more staff.

Modern General Practice

This section contains assets and resources to support practices with messages to patients about where best to go for clinical support

Empowering patients

This section contains assets and resources that aim to empower patients by rolling out tools they can use to manage their own health.